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Terms Of Use

  1. I/We declare that I am/we are aware that www.EMBUSY.com (the “Website and App”) is owned, provided and maintained by Aditsh Software Private Limited registered company incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 (“Company”). In these Terms of Use (“ToU”), “we”, “our” and “us” cumulatively means ‘EMBUSY’ and the Company being the owner of this Website and App “You” and “your” means any person who accesses and uses this website and app.
  2. I am/we citizen of /resident in India declare, warrant and represent that all the details, particulars and information given or filled by me/us in application form or documents given by me/us to EMBUSY are true, correct and accurate and we have not hidden or suppressed or withheld any material information or document from EMBUSY. I/ we also undertake to provide any additional information or documents that may be required by EMBUSY as per requirement and further undertake that services provided by EMBUSY or any other service provider through EMBUSY or group company will be on the basis of information or documents given by us both voluntarily or at the time of application or subsequently or upon request. EMBUSY reserves the right to retain the documents or any information provided by me/us at the time of application, I/we will not have any claim on these documents or information in the future
  3. I /We are aware that financial products including service charges provided by the company will be at the sole discretion of ADFPAY which will be subject to proper due diligence and execution of necessary documents, providing any security(ies), and completing other formalities which ADFPAY may require from time to time. ADFPAY has discretion to reject my application without providing any reason to me and I/we reserve no right to appeal against this decision of the company. We further understand and agree that the application fees and or processing fees are non-refundable and I/we shall not be entitled to a refund of the same either in part or full under any circumstance of my/our application is either rejected or withdrawn by me/us
  4. I /We are aware that financial products including service charges provided by the company will be at the sole discretion of EMBUSY which will be subject to proper due diligence and execution of necessary documents, providing any security(ies), and completing other formalities which EMBUSY may require from time to time. EMBUSY has discretion to reject my application without providing any reason to me and I/we reserve no right to appeal against this decision of the company. We further understand and agree that the application fees and or processing fees are non-refundable and I/we shall not be entitled to a refund of the same either in part or full under any circumstance of my/our application is either rejected or withdrawn by me/us
  5. I/We confirm that there are no insolvency proceedings against me/us nor have I/we ever been adjudicated insolvent. I/We also undertake to inform EMBUSY of changes in my/our occupation/employment and to provide any further information that the company may require. I/We shall advise EMBUSY on the change in my/our resident status.
    1. As a pre-condition, relating to grant of the services or other facilities by EMBUSY to me/us, I/We agree and give consent for the disclosure by EMBUSY of:
    2. The information or data relating to any facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us; and
    3. Default, if any, committed by me/us, in fulfilment of any our responsibility, to all or any third parties as may be think necessary at the sole discretion of ADFPAY.
  6. I/We have not made any payment (and will not pay) either through cheque/cash or otherwise to any Executive/DSA or person in his/her personal name for availing any services
  7. I/We further authorize EMBUSY and all its group company to use my mobile contacts and email contacts for the promotion of EMBUSY.
  8. I restrict EMBUSY to use any of my contact detail and other data to be shared with any third party for any promotional and other activity.
  9. I/We confirm that we have carefully read and fully understood all the terms and conditions of getting a loan from EMBUSY through their online portal address www.EMBUSY.com and applicable to availed from EMBUSY. I/We accept the terms & conditions unconditionally and agree that these terms and conditions may be amended or modified by EMBUSY at any time and I/we will be bound by the amended terms & conditions that are in force.